API is not intended to catch the dropping domains. The restrictions on the number of ENQs are introduced.
Non-observance will result in a ban.
We have special interface for
Sometimes the operation can take up to 10 minutes due to circumstances beyond our control. Therefore set 10 minutes timeout for the API response.
This is a run-time example. You may copy URL, paste it in Web browser and see the errors.
The table shows an extract from a directory that contains a full list of available commands.
Command | Description | Arguments |
domainsCheck | Domains availability check |
domainRegister | Domain registration |
domainsRegister | Domains registration |
domainGetInfo | Get information of the domain |
domainsGetInfo | Get information of given domains |
domainSetNote | Set client note for the domain |
domainsSetNote | Set client note for given domains |
domainsSetDNS | Set DNS settings for given domain |
serverBuy | Buy server |
The only argument of "domains" command is a comma delimited list of domains. It is needed to check domain
availability for registration.
* - an “asterisk” means that an argument is required. It's omission provokes an
Be sure to type only a domain name. Other parameters provide defaults.
An example of bulk-operation conducted upon several objects at the same time. A word “array” is used in the description of arguments. It means that the array has to be transferred and its every element fits as an argument for a stated operation. In our case it is domainRegister.
sometimes the operation can take up to 10 minutes due to circumstances beyond our control. therefore set 10 minutes timeout for the api response.
It is very easy – here you need to transfer a name or ID of a domain. It sends back domain array of data.
Bulk-operation - upon several objects at the same time.
Blank or not indicated “note” – deletes any note.
Type | Description |
* |
Required field, a value should not be empty, not zero, not a blank line and not an empty list. Fields without a star are optional and may be omited while calling the command. |
id |
ID. An integer more than zero. For example: 314123 |
ids |
ID list, comma delimited, space symbols are allowed. For example: 1234, 324534, 223423 |
domain |
Domain name For example: domain.com |
domains |
List of domains, comma delimited, space symbols are allowed. For example: domain.com, asdf.net |
ns |
Name servers name. For example: ns1.domain.com |
nss |
Name servers list, comma delimited, space symbols are allowed. For example: ns1.domain.com, ns2.domain.com |
eid |
Extended ID. Numbers, Latin letters and symbols (underlining, dot, colon, minus) are allowed. For example: EID_234234:234—1 |
password |
Password (64 symbols max). It should not contain line break symbols: \n, \r. For example: We\p!Jie6w |
period |
An integer from 1 to 10. It is used to indicate an amount of years when registering or prolonging. For example: 1 |
date expires |
Date in ISO format. For example: 2012—09—25 |
ref |
Identifier (ID). It consists of several numbers, Latin letters and underlining. There is no limitation
on the first symbol. For example: ok For example: 7days For example: 0001 |
refs |
ID list, comma delimited, space symbols are allowed. For example: ok, nok, 123 |
label |
Almost no limitation on the line. Line break symbols are not allowed. For example: This is a client’s name – Ivan Drago |
labels |
Line list, comma delimited, space symbols are allowed. Array transmission is allowed. For example: Ivan, Peter, Fedor, John |
dnsName |
An empty string, "*", "@", or string not longer than 100 symbols, composed of not more than 4 parts,
separated by ".", each of which consists of 1-61 symbols of following types:latin characters, numbers or
-" and "_"characters ("-" may not be the first and last symbol). For example: *, @, n1, a1.b2, a1.b2.c3, a1.b2.c3.d4 |
Command | Description | Arguments |
domainsCheck | Domains availability check |
domainsSearch | List/Search domains |
domainRegister | Domain registration |
domainsRegister | Register domains |
domainCheckTransfer | Check data for domain transfer |
domainsCheckTransfer | Check data for domains transfer |
domainTransfer | Check data for domains transfer |
domainsTransfer | Start domains transfer |
domainApprovePreincoming | Approve domains transfer |
domainsRejectPreincoming | Cancel domains transfer |
domainGetNSs | Get name servers of the domain |
domainsGetNSs | Get name servers of domains |
domainSetNSs | Set name servers for the domain |
domainsSetNSs | Set name servers for given domains |
domainGetNote | Get domain note |
domainsGetNote | Get domains note |
domainSetNote | Set client note for the domain |
domainsSetNote | Set client note for given domains |
domainRenew | Domain renew |
domainGetPassword | Get domain password |
domainsGetPassword | Get domains password |
domainRegenPassword | Domain regen password |
domainsRegenPassword | Domains regen password |
domainGetInfo | Get information of the domain |
domainsGetInfo | Get information of given domains |
domainGetContacts | Get contacts of the domain |
domainGetWPContacts | Get WHOIS protected contacts of the domain |
domainGetContactsInfo | Get contacts info of the domain |
domainGetWPContactsInfo | Get WHOIS protected contacts info of the domain |
domainsGetContacts | Get contacts of given domains |
domainsGetWPContacts | Get WHOIS protected contacts of given domains |
domainsGetContactsInfo | Get contacts info of given domains |
domainsGetWPContactsInfo | Get WHOIS protected contacts info of given domains |
domainSetContacts | Set domain contacts |
domainsSetContacts | Set contacts for given domains |
domainEnableAutorenewal | Enable autorenewal for the domain |
domainDisableAutorenewal | Disable autorenewal for the domain |
domainsEnableAutorenewal | Enable autorenewal for given domains |
domainsDisableAutorenewal | Disable autorenewal for given domains |
domainEnableWhoisProtect | Enable whois protect for the domain |
domainDisableWhoisProtect | Enable whois protect for the domain |
domainsEnableWhoisProtect | Enable whois protect for given domains |
domainsDisableWhoisProtect | Disable whois protect for given domains |
domainEnableLock | Enable lock for the domain |
domainDisableLock | Disable lock for the domain |
domainsEnableLock | Enable lock for given domains |
domainsDisableLock | Disable lock for given domains |
domainGetDNS | Get DNS settings for given domain |
domainsGetDNS | Get DNS settings for given domains |
domainSetDNS | Set DNS settings for given domain |
domainsSetDNS | Set DNS settings for given domains |
domainPush | Push domain to given client |
domainsPush | Push domains to given receivers |
hdomainGetDNS | Get DNS settings for given domain |
hdomainsGetDNS | Get DNS settings for given domains |
hdomainSetDNS | Set DNS settings for given domain |
hdomainsSetDNS | Set DNS settings for given domains |
hostsSearch | Hosts search |
hostGetInfo | Host get info |
hostsGetInfo | Hosts get info |
hostCreate | Host create |
hostsCreate | Hosts create |
hostUpdate | Host update |
hostsUpdate | Hosts update |
hostDelete | Host delete |
hostsDelete | Hosts delete |
contactsSearch | List/Search contacts |
contactGetInfo | Get contact info |
contactsGetInfo | Get contacts info |
contactCreate | Create contact |
contactsCreate | Create contacts |
contactUpdate | Update contact |
contactsUpdate | Update contacts |
contactDelete | Contact delete |
contactsDelete | Contacts delete |
clientCheck | Check client login/password |
clientCreate | Create new client |
clientGetBalance | Get client balance |
clientGetPrices | Get client prices |
clientsGetPrices | Get clients prices |
tariffsGetAvailable | Get list of available tariffs |
tariffGetInfo | Get tariff info |
tariffsGetInfo | Get tariffs info |
serversSearch | Search servers |
serversGetList | Get servers list |
serverGetList | Get servers list |
serverGetInfo | Get server info |
serversGetInfo | Get servers info |
serverBuy | Buy server |
serversBuy | Buy servers |
serverRenew | Renew server |
serversRenew | Renew servers |
serverRefuse | Refuse from server |
serverReboot | Reboot server |
serversReboot | Reboot servers |
serverReset | Reset server |
serversReset | Reset servers |
serverShutdown | Shutdown server |
serversShutdown | Shutdown servers |
serverPowerOn | Server power on |
serversPowerOn | Servers power on |
serverPowerOff | Server power off |
serversPowerOff | Servers power off |
serverResetup | Resetup server |
serversResetup | Resetup servers |
serverEnableVNC | Enable VNC for server |
serversEnableVNC | Enable VNC for servers |
serverRegenRootPassword | Regenerate root password for server |
serversRegenRootPassword | Regenerate root password for servers |
serverBootLive | Boot server from Live CD |
serversBootLive | Boot server from Live CD |
osimagesSearch | Get list of available OS images |
certificatesSearch | Certificates search |
certificateGetInfo | Get certificate info from DB |
certificatesGetInfo | et certificates info from DB |
certificateGetData | Get certificate data |
certificatesGetData | Get certificates data |
certificatePurchase | Purchase certificate |
certificatesPurchase | Purchase certificates |
certificateIssue | Issue certificate |
certificatesIssue | Issue certificates |
certificateReissue | Reissue certificate |
certificatesReissue | Reissue certificates |
certificateCancel | Cancel certificate |
certificatesCancel | Cancel certificates |
certificateRenew | SSL order renew |
certificatesRenew | SSL orders renew |
certificateGenerateCSR | Create CSR for certificate |
certificateGenerateCsr | Create CSR for certificate |
certificateDecodeCSR | Decode CSR |
certificateDecodeCsr | Create CSR for certificate |
certificateGetWebserverTypes | Get web server types |
certificateGetDomainEmails | Get valid approver email addresses for specified domain |
certificateSendNotifications | Send notification |
certificatesSendNotifications | Send notifications |
certificateRevalidate | Validate certificate |
certificatesRevalidate | Validate certificates |
certificateChangeValidation | Change certificate validation |
certificateChangeValidation | Change certificates validation |
Ways of organizing cooperation
We offer our partners to get standard reseller website based on getdomen.ru
It is completely free. You just have to tell us the following information:
Upon receipt of followed information, we will give you IP-address, on which will need to create A record.
To become a reseller of AHnames domains you have to contact us via email, ICQ or Skype:
Save the request for purchasing an SSL Certificate (CSR) and private key
After purchasing the SSL certificate, you have to provide us with
self SSL certificate and private key (RSA).
To generate the request for
SSL you can on this page: ssl.com.ua/online-CSR-generator